Protecting The Environment
By Mikayla, 9
Recorded at Pittsburgh Linden K-5 on May 27, 2011
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Have Fun
by Christine, 12
Favorite Park Memory
by Kelsey, 16
The Park is an Important Place
by Kier, 15
We should help the environment more
by Zack, 10
The Park is Important to me
by Ross, 15
Kids Love Being Outside
by Ella, 9
Something Worth Trying
by Louise, 10
Learn By Observing
by Cate, 10
The Park is Important to me
by Sha'Quawn, 15
Why do people litter?
I think because they’re lazy, and maybe they don’t realize the kind ...
Why do people litter?
by Paris, Unknown
Protecting The Environment
by Jacob, 7
I like being an EcoSteward because...
by Senque, 15
If I Could Change One Thing about the Parks
by Danelle, 17
I like being an Eco Steward
by Forest, 19
Parks are Important
by Morgan, 15
I Like Outside More
by Charly, 10
Rufus And Tank
by Isabella, 9
Being outside makes learning fun
by Miranda, 11
Favorite Park Memory
by Michael, 16
What my school has outside
by Meera, 7
I learn better outside
by Virginia, 10
Outside Can Be Distracting But Fun
by Ella, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18