If You Gave Them An Opportunity To Put Their Guns Down
By Lorainne, Unknown in North Side
Recorded at ASSET on August 04, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Walk To School And Bullies
by Guy, 12
The Mayor Can Help
by Gregory, 19
Eating And Parks
by Bryan, 7
Jobs, Careers, and Internships
by Ahlasia, 12
Transportation Obstacles
by Tishaun, 16
My Mom And Me When I Was Older
by Tashay, 4
Why You Should Move To Millvale
by Monet, 16
Good things about Brookline
by Diego, 11
Fast food is a good beginner job
by Markisha, 13
Police maintain order between citizens
by Will, 14
How Someone Could Help
by Markus, 13
Why I Want To Have A Career
by Griffin, 18
Mckeesport: Is school Relevant?
by Mike , 15
My Library
by Darien , Unknown
Who Should be Police Chief
by Daijah, 11
Education is the most important thing for Millvale
by Kidareo, 16
Mckeesport: Role Models
by Kedar , 17
Mckeesport: Reputation
by Chuck , 15
Advice To Young People Experiencing Racism
by Carlin, 20
Youth And Police Interactions
by Kelsey, 18
Place Where People Shoot
by Laniere, 8
What I like about Baddock
by Malik, Unknown
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18