School To Prison Pipeline And Institutionalized Racism
By Khan, 18
Recorded at Bethel AME Church on October 10, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
The difference between a job and career
by Griffin, 18
My Dad Went to Jail
by Cenniya, 6
To keep kids off the streets kids need places to go
by Courtney, 17
I Watched A Family Member Get Arrested
by John, 14
Profiling by Police
by Anthony, 14
My altercation with police at school
by Jamont'e, 18
What I Hope To Achieve With Yuir Workshops
by Carlin, 20
The Fight
by Saraji, Unknown
Somebody Got Shot
by Alexis, 6
My School
by Tatiyana , 17
Institutional Racism
by Ben, 17
My Friends Got Me In Trouble With The Police
by Davine, 13
How to improve Mt. Oliver
by Daeveon, 12
Change in Clairton
by Rajanaya, 16
Police need to crackdown on drugs/prostitution and make the right decisions
by Yasamin, 16
New Years Hopes
by Kyra, 9
Transportation Troubles And How To Help
by Tyrique, 16
My voice on youth and why our mayor would like to hear it
by Kerae, 12
Summer jobs program
by Lauryn, 15
My Community Work in Millvale
by Wysdom, 10
Why We Came to the United States
by Saraji, Unknown
Drugs and violence need to stop
by Andy, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18