
Meeting people from other cultures

Tags: Community, Identity

By Austin, 18
Recorded at PPS Allderdice High School on May 22, 2013
No description provided.


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Suggested Stories:

  • Play3
    Eating And Parks
    by Bryan, 7

  • Play3
    Differences Between Hill District And Midland
    by Qumaria, 17

  • Play3
    Could have caused less tension
    by Isaiah, 16

  • Play3
    Life in Kenya
    by Hassan, Unknown

  • Play3
    The difference between a job and career
    by Griffin, 18

  • Play3
    Police Protect but Somtimes I am scared of them
    by Jasmine, 14

  • Shane_12_whatilikeaboutschool_community
    by Shane, 12

  • Play3
    What I Want
    by Amier, 9

  • Play3
    Culture, Gender, Stereotypes And Toys How Boys End Up Doing More STEM Work
    by Tanvi, 15

  • Play3
    Brookline is a really nice place
    by Sierra, 14

  • Play3
    Change in Clairton
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  • Play3
    Growing Up
    by Sangab, 18

  • Play3
    by Jao'vveon, 11

  • Play3
    Moving to the United States
    by Saraji, Unknown

  • Play3
    Job vs Career
    by Mason, 18

  • Play3
    Examples Of Relationship Abuse
    by Alyssa, 16

  • Play3
    Make STEM Better By Not Isolating Girls
    by Vishi, 14

  • Play3
    Speaking Nepali or English
    by Anil, 14

  • Play3
    by Raven, 9

  • Play3
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    by Laniere, 8

  • Play3
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  • Respect is something that many people have in this world, but not enough. Respect in my mind is w...
    by Kenneth, 17

  • Play3
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    by Anthony, 14

  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
    by Karen, 18