
Speaking Nepali or English

Tags: Community, Identity

By Anil, 14
Recorded at University of Pittsburgh on August 16, 2013
No description provided.


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Suggested Stories:

  • Play3
    Want A Job This Summer
    by Tyrone, 14

  • Brooke _null_my library _community_education Play_icon_overlay
    My Library
    by Brooke , Unknown

  • Play3
    I Want A Job With Cars
    by Jared, 15

  • Play3
    How To Interact With Teens
    by Kelsey, 18

  • Play3
    Student Voice Is My Legacy
    by Joan, 17

  • Play3
    Adults should care about the streets, sidewalks and local businesses
    by Liam, 11

  • Play3
    I Deserve A Better Life
    by Aric, 26

  • Play3
    I Would Spend Money On Materials And Meeting Scientists
    by Deandre, 13

  • Play3
    Institutional Racism
    by Norma, 16

  • Play3
    Life in Kenya
    by Hassan, Unknown

  • Play3
    A Job Is A Job
    by Tyrone, 14

  • Play3
    Improving the appearance of Brookline
    by Liam, 11

  • Play3
    Good things about my neighborhood
    by Andy, 10

  • Play3
    Programs To Help My Career
    by Tavius, 13

  • Raven_9_carnivals%20in%20mckeesport%20story_community_neighborhood
    Carnivals in McKeesport Story
    by Raven, 9

  • Play3
    Police protect people
    by Tan, 16

  • Play3
    Police Look Like They're Slipping Down
    by Janara, 10

  • Play3
    Hard to find employment without experience
    by Kitty, Unknown

  • Anthony_16_communities_community
    by Anthony, 16

  • Play3
    by Chase, 10

  • Play3
    Very hard to find help
    by Masha, Unknown

  • Chris _null_the futuristic library _community_education Play_icon_overlay
    The Futuristic Library
    by Chris , Unknown

  • Play3
    Help Kids Make Connections
    by Anthony, 15

  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
    by Karen, 18