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Helping The Environment
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By Diajha , 8
Recorded at CLP Hear Me Project - Allegheny on April 27, 2011
Description: Diajha talks about some great ways that she can help
protect and save her environment!
Suggested Stories:
We Need More Outdoor Learning
by Stephen, 14
Parks are Important
by Madison, 16
My Favorite Park Memory
by Tavon, 14
You Block Nature When You're Inside
by Brenda, 10
Playing Outside
by Louise, 10
There's More To Learn Outside
by Ilona, 10
I like learning inside but learning outside can be peaceful
by Lucia, 9
The Cheetahs Battle Foxes
by Abijah, 6
Stewardship Means to Me
by Geneva, 17
Outdoor Field Trips
by Emma, 10
Why Trees Are Important
by Travis, 8
What we learn outside
by Mohamed, 7
I like being an Eco Steward
by Forest, 19
If I Could Change The Park
by Quinn, 7
I Love Learning
by Cate, 10
The difference between learning inside and outside
by Meera, 7
Bugs, Flowers, And Earth Day
by Aubriee, 6
I learn inside better but outside I can observe
by Norman, 10
Why do people litter?
I think because they’re lazy, and maybe they don’t realize the kind ...
Why do people litter?
by Paris, Unknown
My Dog Snowy
by Anazia, 7
Brookline is a beautiful place
by Gerson, 11
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18