I'd Rather Learn Inside
By Giontae, 9
Recorded at Frick Park on April 07, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
My favorite places to learn are outside
by Sophie, 10
Rufus And Tank
by Isabella, 9
Outside For Recess
by Brenda, 10
I Remember More When Learning Outdoors
by Maja, 10
I'd Like Learning Outside At Home And At School
by Pj, 9
Favorite Memories Of The Park
by Alexandra, 7
What I like to learn and do outside
by Wes, 11
Brookline is a beautiful place
by Gerson, 11
Outside learning connects because I can see it
by Norman, 10
Arbor Day At Hazelwood Library
by Emily, 7
Teachers And Going Outside At Ellis
by Hannah, 10
Helping The Environment
by Luke, 8
Bugs, Flowers, And Earth Day
by Aubriee, 6
Favorite Park Memory
by Vivian, 16
Favorite Park Memory
by Maurice, 16
Field Trips To Frick Park
by Hannah, 10
Favorite Park Memory
by Leanna, 16
I learn outside on my own
by Larkin, 10
Helping The Environment
by Diajha, 8
My Favorite Park Memory
by Tavon, 14
Outdoor Field Trips
by Emma, 10
Parks are Important
by Madison, 16
The Park Is Important To Me
by Arianna, 7
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18