
Sarah's Picture

Tags: Community

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By Sarah, 2
Recorded at Rich's Farm on October 10, 2010
Drawing with Mom


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Suggested Stories:

  • Play3
    I would like to work at target
    by Lauryn, 15

  • Play3
    How Someone Could Help
    by Markus, 13

  • Play3
    Shootings on the Southside Slopes
    by Jerzie, 7

  • Play3
    Me and the Clairton Bears
    by Aniyah, 7

  • Play3
    Importance Of A Mentor
    by Quinntala, 18

  • Play3
    We need more diversity
    by Katarina, 16

  • Samantha_9_whatilikeaboutschool_community
    by Samantha, 9

  • Play3
    The Biggest Issue Is Unemployment And We Need Reform
    by Charles, 16

  • Play3
    Chief Should Be Nice; Police are Doing Well
    by Sierra, 8

  • Sarah_3_my%20family_community
    My Family
    by Sarah, 3

  • Play3
    Brookline Blvd
    by Bryn, 10

  • Play3
    My Future Is My Destiny, Part 3
    by Taylor, 18

  • Play3
    Talking About Institutional Racism
    by Olivia, 17

  • Play3
    I'm Learning How To Become A Changemaker
    by Michael, 15

  • Paul%208_null_hear%20me%20_community
    Hear Me
    by Paul 8, Unknown

  • Play3
    by Carlton, 17

  • Play3
    I want to be a factory worker
    by Ty'wann, 12

  • Play3
    Barriers to jobs for teens are transporation, advertising, and the application process
    by Akile, 17

  • Play3
    Police Need to be More Understanding
    by Allie, 16

  • Play3
    Young People in Bosnia Herzegovina
    by Anes, 16

  • Mgr summer dreamers _null_litter in pittsburgh_community Play_icon_overlay
    Litter in Pittsburgh
    by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown

  • Play3
    Parks are Important
    by Morgan, 15

  • Julia_9_dream%20library_community_education
    Dream Library
    by Julia, 9

  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
    by Karen, 18