The New Chief of Police Should be Honorable
by Dereka, 17
Amachi Ambassadors
by Ambassadors, 16
How do facebook, twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Mo... How does social media affect real-world relationships?
by Sam, Unknown
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
Why I want a job
by Lauryn, 15
Meeting people from other cultures
by Austin, 18
I Walk Everywhere
by Jayson, 15
Good things about Northview Heights
by Stephano, 10
Shooting at church and how to help
by Andre, 11
by Pavla, 15
Police need to Stop Profiling
by Mimi, 17
Helping Others
by Ryan, 11
Juggle School and Work
by Maurice, 18
Easy Money vs. Salary
by Tyjair, 15
We need more diversity
by Katarina, 16
School To Prison Pipeline And Institutionalized Racism
by Khan, 18
Brookline Park, Library, and Sidewalks
by Cassie, 12