Favorite Park Memory
By Charlene, 17
Recorded at Schenley Park on May 17, 2012
Description: City Charter High School High School Urban Ecosteward
Suggested Stories:
Playing Outside
by Amya, 8
Parks are Important
by Madison, 16
The difference between learning inside and outside
by Meera, 7
Learning Inside Is Better
by Matt, 6
Math Inside Science Outside
by Charly, 10
Helping The Environment
by Carley, 8
Learning Outside Is More Peaceful
by Kate, 10
Teachers And Going Outside At Ellis
by Hannah, 10
Seeing Vs Being With The Plants
by Colin, 10
Learning Inside Is Convenient
by Cooper, 9
Personal Growth Through Hunting
by Brianna, 16
The Environment
by Yuri, 10
Parks are Important
by Joshua, 16
The Big Green Clean Up
by Verity , 10
The Park is Important to me
by Andre, 16
Helping The Environment
by Tavius, 9
The Park Is An Important Place
by Lucy, 16
Greening up for a better future
by Lord, 15
Learning outside is a different kind of learning
by Sophie, 10
Save Nature
by Hannah, 10
Learning inside vs. learning outside
by Zack, 10
You Learn From Experience
by Anahi, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18