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9th Grade
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By Dexter , 13
Recorded at Bethlehem-Center Middle School on May 01, 2012
Description: Dexter is looking forward to playing sports in high
school. He also talks about how teamwork can go beyond
the playing field.
Suggested Stories:
What is Rethink?
by Rethinkers and 2nd Grade Play Power, 8
Boys, Girls, STEM Jobs, And Opportunities
by Prishti, 10
Closing schools and ways to improve school funding
by Joel, 17
Bigger Classrooms Longer Days Better Resources
by Dylan, 14
I Like Helping People!
by Jadah , 9
Safety at Wilkinsburg High School
by Ashley, 17
Hearing Kids' Voices
by Jay, 18
Dropping Out Of School
by Marie, 17
If My Voice Is Heard
by Stephanie, 15
Forging Frienships
by Lauren, 18
Student Voices are Being Ignored
by Jordan, 15
Becoming A Teacher
by Joe, 16
Girls And Boys Are Equal
by Patrick, 10
Women In History
by Anna, 14
Preparing To Be A Freshman
by Kellie, 15
Future Careers
by Mikayla, 10
What The American Dream Means To Me
by Jasmine, Unknown
School compared to Jail
by Tiger, 14
School Counselors
by Bakary, 18
My Library
by Brooke , Unknown
Why we need the Student Bill of Rights
by Markesha, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18