Incarcerated Parent
By Ladashia, 12
Recorded at Amachi Pittsburgh on August 10, 2012
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
I Watched A Family Member Get Arrested
by John, 14
Parents' jobs
by Shamikcha, Unknown
Family Responsibility
by Sangab, 19
Returning the Favor
by Katie, 16
Poem about Mornings
by Miarei, 16
Amachi Ambassadors
by Ambassadors, 16
Being Born in Kenya
by Salat, 14
Caring For Others
by Julia, 11
Military Families are unique
by Emma, 10
Eating vegetables and treats
by Emily, 10
Poem about Mornings
by Miarei, 16
Christmas with my Dad
by Yahsheua, Unknown
Parks are Important
by Penny, 15
Motivation For School
by Emyluz, 17
Nursing at Carlow University
by Alexus, 17
Cooking today and being a military kid
by Garrett, 12
Differences in wedding celebrations
by Fartuna, 13
Military Kids events
by Connor, 12
Military Kids
by Lily, 12
My military family
by Brock, 9
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18