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Being a military kid is cool
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By Lily , 9
Recorded at Rania's Catering on March 16, 2013
Description: Lily attended an event for military kids to learn about
cooking healthy. She talks about what she cooked and
about her father in the military.
Suggested Stories:
Parks are Important
by Paul, 15
Growing up in Somalia and Kenya
by Sangab, 19
Don't Judge Us
by Kurt, Unknown
Issues Facing My School
by Rori, 17
Being Able To Talk About Race
by Qumaria, 17
Understanding the USA
by Fatuma, 17
the importance of language
by Chali, 12
I Want To Talk About The Hard Topics
by Aric, 26
Cooking with Rania today at OMK
by Lillith, 10
Make STEM Better By Not Isolating Girls
by Vishi, 14
Art Gets Your Emotions Out
by Aiden, 20
Why We Came to the United States
by Saraji, Unknown
Born in Kenya
by Saraji, Unknown
Moving to the US
by Sardorbek, 14
Its cool to have a parent in the military
by Ryan, 8
What it means to be a refugee
by Dash, 15
Moving to the United States
by Saraji, Unknown
Art Is One Of My Passions
by Kyle, 22
Expressing Myself Through Art
by Kyle, 22
My Drawings
by Trinity, 22
I'm from Nepal
by Khina, 15
Military kids learn a lot
by Samantha, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18