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By Emily , 10
Recorded at Rania's Catering on March 16, 2013
Description: Emily talks about what Operation Military Kids does for
her and describes her military family.
Suggested Stories:
What Are Girls' Systematic Differences
by Daly, 18
My Dad works for the Air Force
by Alec, 13
Born in Kenya
by Saraji, Unknown
Being Born in Kenya
by Salat, 14
My Food Collage
by Emma, 10
I Deserve A Better Life
by Aric, 26
Speaking Nepali or English
by Anil, 14
Learning English
by Sadorbek, 14
What I like and Would Change About Millvale
by Deven, 10
Moving from Africa to America
by Sangab, 19
Nepal is good country but people is bad
by Anil, 14
Military kids learn a lot
by Samantha, 16
Cooking with Rania today at OMK
by Lillith, 10
From Somalia to the USA
by Mukufu, 14
What I want to be
by Anil, 14
Its cool to have a parent in the military
by Ryan, 8
Speaking English
by Dash, 15
What I did today in 2 languages
by Fartuna, 13
It's hard to make American friends
by Badal, 13
Drawing Is An Escape For Me
by Trinity, 22
Language changes depending who I'm talking to
by Chandra, Unknown
I like being a military child
by Trenete, 9
Moving to the US
by Sardorbek, 14
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18