Comfortable at school
By Kevin , 16
Recorded at Avonworth High School on April 11, 2013
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
If You're Intellectually Able
by Sarah, 18
Advice For Kindergarten
by Trisha, 18
Computer Science Stereotyping
by Rachel, 17
Encourage Don't Suspend
by Mitchell, 13
Learning About Poverty
by Roi, 15
What I recommend
by Lexy, 16
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
Resources at my school
by Faith, 12
Teaching to the Test
by Destinay, 15
I Think That Leadership Means
by Bhavana, 16
Advice For Kindergarten
by Kenya, 17
Future Careers
by Zoe, Unknown
Music Program At Lingelbach
by Taelyn, 13
How Bad Water Affects My Education
by Tyler, 16
The Fight
by Saraji, Unknown
No Gender Bias Just Need Time
by Nick, 13
Rewarding Positive Behavoirs Feels Like.
by Massimo, 14
School and Jail
by Patience, 17
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18