Best thing about school
By Quinton, Unknown
Recorded at Highlands Middle School on May 01, 2013
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Building Student Teacher Relationships
by David, 15
Encourage Women
by Lavanya, 13
Writing in English
by Afi, 16
Technology in School
by Noah, 14
Letters To The Editor
by Alonae, 14
by Dean, 6
Technology as a resource at my school
by Giulietta, 13
Is Student Voice Really Heard?
by Senque, 15
Advice For Kindergarten
by Chris, 17
Good Funding Is A Domino Effect
by Nikki, 18
Teachers can do more one on one and superintendants can focus on safety
by Marquan, 19
Encouraging More Girls To Take STEM Classes
by Julie, 16
Backwards Discipline Policies
by Jasmine, 16
Cell phone policy in school
by Cassandra, 15
It Takes a Village
by Nathan and Lindsey, 17
I think responsibility means when you take control of something. If people take responsibility fo...
by Morgan, 14
Good Transportation Helps Us Be Better Students
by Monique, 17
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18