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Water conservation
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By Hannah , 17
Recorded at Cornell School District on October 30, 2013
Description: After attending a video conference titled Global Trends
and You a student shares her experience and opinion
about the conference. She learned about how
desalination plants can take the salt out of salt water
and how it can be used as fresh water.
Suggested Stories:
The Park is Important to me
by Sha'Quawn, 15
Math Inside Science Outside
by Charly, 10
Being outside makes learning fun
by Miranda, 11
Inspiration comes from outside
by Lucia, 9
I like being an EcoSteward because...
by Sean M., 16
Learning In The World With People
by Alexx, 16
The Environment
by Asia, 11
Outside learning connects because I can see it
by Norman, 10
When School goes outside you can learn so much
by Parisha, 10
If I could change one thing about the parks...
by Taylajuneic, 16
Helping The Environment
by Luke, 8
I Like Learning Outdoor More
by Brett, 10
Playing Outside
by Jakobi, 10
Arbor Day At Hazelwood Library
by Nyraya, 8
Helping The Environment
by Faith, 8
Experience Nature
by Jenna, 14
Kids Love Being Outside
by Ella, 9
Helping The Environment
by Luke, 8
Advantage To Inside Is Screens
by Katie, 10
City Campus Vs My Campus
by Lia, 8
Utopia Vs. Dystopia
by Olivia , 11
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18