
Knoxville is nice

Tags: Community

By Alaya, 10 in Knoxville
Recorded at ALEC on September 11, 2014
No description provided.


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Suggested Stories:

  • Play3
    We need another basketball court
    by Janara, 10

  • Play3
    Police Do a Good Job; Have their priorities straight
    by Kolten, 18

  • Cami_5_crafts%20at%20village%20for%20kids_community_neighborhood
    Crafts at Village for Kids
    by Cami, 5

  • Play3
    Easy Money vs. Salary
    by Tyjair, 15

  • Jordan_7_king%20of%20the%20village_community_neighborhood
    King of the Village
    by Jordan, 7

  • Play3
    What I Hope To Achieve With Yuir Workshops
    by Carlin, 20

  • Play3
    Rural Life
    by Brandon, 14

  • Play3
    On T.V.
    by Chris, 8

  • Play3
    Why You Should Move To Millvale
    by Monet, 16

  • Play3
    we need to change the number of bars
    by Cory, 11

  • Play3
    Drugs and violence need to stop
    by Andy, 10

  • Play3
    Why I love Knoxville
    by Jenis, 10

  • Play3
    Why I Really Don't Like Police Officers
    by Andre, 20

  • Play3
    Student Voice Is My Legacy
    by Joan, 17

  • Play3
    Why Police are Good
    by Jack, 6

  • Play3
    Why People Are In Poverty
    by Ben, 17

  • Play3
    Born in Somalia
    by Sangab, 19

  • Play3
    Technology in School
    by Will, 14

  • Play3
    Where I live and what I do
    by James, Unknown

  • Play3
    The School To Prison Pipeline
    by Carlin, 20

  • Play3
    Living In A Shelter
    by Alisha, 14

  • Play3
    Mckeesport: Role Models
    by Kedar , 17

  • Play3
    If I Didn’t Have A Free Bus Pass
    by Isaih, 16

  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
    by Karen, 18