Knoxville is nice
By Alaya, 10 in Knoxville
Recorded at ALEC on September 11, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Interracial Relationships
by Tucker, 15
Transportation And Employment
by Senque, 17
Want A Job and Want It Soon
by Treyvon, 15
My Definition of Institutionalized Racism
by Joan, 17
Favorite Thing About Pittsburgh
by Louise, 10
Everything in arms reach
by Daeveon, 12
Cultural Transitions
by Fatuma, 17
My Neighborhood is Safe
by Ty'yania, 16
I Don't Really Feel Safe
by Leticia, 17
by Pavla, 15
Why people fight
by Kareen, 10
The history of Brookline is important
by Jesus, 10
I Think The New Superintendent Should Be More Involved
by Michael, 15
Brookline Park, Library, and Sidewalks
by Cassie, 12
Judge by a personality
by LeShawntez, 14
Police are Good, but Some are Bad
by Germal, 11
Adults should care about the streets, sidewalks and local businesses
by Liam, 11
Eating And Parks
by Bryan, 7
Police Look Like They're Slipping Down
by Janara, 10
I live in a good neighborhood
by Charlie, 12
Barriers to jobs for teens are transporation, advertising, and the application process
by Akile, 17
Pittsburgh Is A Nice Place To Live
by Victor, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18