Would Like A Job But I Dunno
By Kalil, 13
Recorded at CLP Allegheny on February 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
My Garfield
by Dominique, 8
Police Look Like They're Slipping Down
by Janara, 10
Birthday Party
by Keshawn, 7
Litter in Downtown Pittsburgh
by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown
Speaking English
by Dash, 15
Why I Come To Brookline
by Yenifer, 13
Parks are Important
by Morgan, 15
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
The difference between a job and career
by Joshlynn, 16
Why People Don't go to the Police
by Jasmine, 14
Learning Outside Made Me A Better Person
by Jahi, 16
You may not understand why the police do what they do
by Tan, 16
Technology in School
by Will, 14
I would make Brookline cleaner
by Samantha, 12
Teenagers can be a problem
by Mary Ann, 17
It's hard to make American friends
by Badal, 13
The GLCC is the only place I feel safe
by Masha, Unknown
Very hard to find help
by Masha, Unknown
From Kenya to America
by Asha, 14
Who Should be Police Chief
by Daijah, 11
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18