I want a job close to home
By Joshlynn, 16 in Brighton Heights
Recorded at MCG on April 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
I Wish More People Lived In Brookline
by Marissa, 14
Eating And Parks
by Bryan, 7
My School
by Tatiyana , 17
Coming from Homewood
by Michelle, 18
I want to be a factory worker
by Ty'wann, 12
East Liberty
by Ashley, 14
Police Chief Should Be Equitable and Open Minded
by Angel, 14
Role of Police and School
by DaWarren, 13
Good and bad things in Knoxville
by Michael, 7
This House Is Not A Home, Part 3
by De Asia, 19
We can have fresh food here
by Radha, Unknown
Growing up in Somalia and Kenya
by Sangab, 19
Teenagers can be a problem
by Mary Ann, 17
What I like about Baddock
by Malik, Unknown
Schools Should Help Students Find Jobs And Skills
by Anthony, 15
Speaking English
by Dash, 15
Jobs, Careers, and Internships
by Ahlasia, 12
Summer jobs program
by Lauryn, 15
Knoxville needs more buildings
by Thomas, 12
There Are Safe And Fun Places In Brookline
by Shyanne, 13
How I would like youth and police to act
by Amanda, 15
Library And Brookline Blvd
by Brian, 8
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18