Young people should start working at 14
Suggested Stories:
Police Need to be More Understanding
by Allie, 16
I Would Spend Money On Materials And Meeting Scientists
by Deandre, 13
Chief of Police Needs to be Dedicated
by Curby, 19
I Want To Be Someone Who Made A Change
by Michael, 15
I was born in China and I traveled all the way to America for a better life. My birth mother gav...
I Was Born In China
by Mia, 11
Adults should take kids to more places
by Veronica, 13
Pittsburgh's Artistic Touch
by Bonnie , 13
Why I Come To Brookline
by Yenifer, 13
To me, being a good citizen means one who properly fulfills his or her role as a citizen such as ...
by Erica, 17
by Anthony, 16
I Think The New Superintendent Should Be More Involved
by Michael, 15
Ideas about the USA
by Fartuna, 13
Barriers to jobs for teens are transporation, advertising, and the application process
by Akile, 17
Favorite things about Brookline and what I would change
by Donavin, 14
This House Is Not A Home, Part 3
by De Asia, 19
Being a cop is hard but youth need them not to stereotype
by Jamont'e, 18
Would Like A Job But I Dunno
by Kalil, 13
When I First Moved To Millvale
by Monet, 16
The Biggest Issue Is Unemployment And We Need Reform
by Charles, 16
Separation By Schools And Sports
by Dzenana, 16
What I Hope To Gain From Yuir Weekend
by Khan, 18
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18