Bringing Outdoors Into My Classroom Impressed My Teacher
By Jahi, 16 in North Side
Recorded at Schenley Park on June 02, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
You Actually Do Stuff Outside
by Anahi, 10
My Favorite Park Memory
by Kari, 16
I feel better when I'm outside
by Virginia, 10
If I Could Change The Parks
by Blue, 16
Bugs, Flowers, And Earth Day
by Aubriee, 6
The Park Is Important To Me
by Arianna, 7
You're Learning Skills Outside, Even If You Don't Know
by Maya, 13
I like being an Eco Steward
by Forest, 19
I Will Pick Up All The Trash
by Ava D., 7
Learning Inside Is Convenient
by Cooper, 9
Outside learning connects because I can see it
by Norman, 10
I like learning inside but learning outside can be peaceful
by Lucia, 9
Stewardship Means to Me
by Patience, 15
Getting Outside
by Mikie, 12
Outside For Recess
by Brenda, 10
Protecting The Environment
by Mikey, 7
I Like Learning Under A Tree
by Katie, 10
Helping The Environment
by Luke, 8
If I Could Change One Thing about the Parks
by Danelle, 17
Helping The Environment
by Luke, 8
The Park is an Important Place
by Terrance, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18