Advice For Foster Parents
By student, 15
Recorded at DHS on August 17, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Ashley's view of the world
by Ashley, 14
Reflections on Leadership
by Lindsey, 10
by Christopher, 12
Untitled (Trinity)
by Trinity, Unknown
Smart Vs Popular
by Malika, 14
Christmas with my Dad
by Yahsheua, Unknown
Once I Saw Someone Being Bullied
by Kennedy, 15
Why I Stopped Bullying
by Marina, 14
Bullying A Poem
by Leah, 9
What I eat for Breakfast
by Nason, 12
Parks are Important
by Genell, 16
What Makes A Friend
by J'niya, 12
Learning and Health
by Savannah, 7
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18