Lack Of Places To Find A Job
By Dereka, 18 in Carnegie
Recorded at MCG on April 24, 2015
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
I'd like a job where I help people
by Akile, 17
My Library
by Andrew , Unknown
Transportation An Issue
by Kaijoun, 13
Chief of Police Should be Respectful and Nice
by Maria, 10
I Don't Want A Place That Has Garbage On The Ground
by Cassidina, 11
Ideas about the USA
by Fartuna, 13
What I Like To Do In Pittsburgh
by Jamil, 10
Garfield is fun and cool
by Deziree, 10
The best thing about Brookline is my friends and family
by Samantha, 12
Hang With Friends
by Maliki, 9
Litter in Pittsburgh
by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown
Jobs I Would Want On The North Side
by Jalen, 13
I wish adults cared more about litter and our homes
by Douglass, 8
If You Gave Them An Opportunity To Put Their Guns Down
by Lorainne, Unknown
Good and Bad in My Community
by D'Andre, 16
Best Places In Millvale
by Monet, 16
The difference between a job and career
by Joshlynn, 16
Institutionalized Racism
by Michael, 15
Oppressive Institutions And The School To Prison Pipeline
by Olivia, 16
Young people's voices on police
by Martaya, 15
Why My Family Needs Weapons
by Nasir, 8
If I could ask the Presiden to help my school, I would...
by Darriel Brooks, 7
What I Learned About Internships
by Jalen, 13
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18