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Road Trip
(Click the image above to see a larger version)
By Kaliy , 8
Recorded at CLP Hear Me Project - Allegheny on March 2, 2011
Description: Kaliy drew a picture of the day her family's car
ran out of gas and broke down.
Suggested Stories:
Differences Between Hill District And Midland
by Qumaria, 17
Betting shops cause problems
by Mirko, 16
How do Facebook, Twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
I gr...
Social Media
by Samuel, Unknown
Dating Violence ,Anger And The Area
by Ashley, 18
Jobs for young people
by Mason, 18
Mckeesport: Role Models
by Kedar , 17
The School To Prison Pipeline
by Joan, 17
Improving the appearance of Brookline
by Liam, 11
Recycling in Pittsburgh
by MGR Summer Dreamers , Unknown
What I Want For The Next Superintendent
by Khan, 18
I wish adults cared more about litter and our homes
by Douglass, 8
Challenges to finding a job
by Ty'wann, 12
sponge bob
by Terrell, 17
My living situation
by Brenna, Unknown
Choosing The Next Chief
by Kelsey, 18
Gangs in Knoxville
by Melanie, 11
Police Protect and Serve
by Isabella, 10
Biking After School
by Anthony, 15
Police want to prevent bad things from happening
by Shaii, 16
My Mom Is My Hero
by Amaja, 10
Young people should start working at 14
by Ty'wann, 12
Unitopia: My Library
by Chloe , Unknown
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18