I Want To Make People More Comfortable Talking About Race
Suggested Stories:
Police steretype but don't understand how we grow up
by Jamont'e, 18
Succesful Adult
by Jordan, 11
There Are Safe And Fun Places In Brookline
by Shyanne, 13
When I'm 17
by Jordan, 11
GLCC and services for homeless
by Brenna, Unknown
I Like Exploring The Why
by Kelsey, 13
Too Many Bars
by Ashley, 17
I Love The Millvale Library
by Cassidina, 11
The Law Is Making Times Hard
by Jamal, 19
Me And My Cousin
by Saivon, 8
Young People in Bosnia Herzegovina
by Anes, 16
Poverty And School To Prison Pipeline
by Norma, 16
A shooting at Grandview Park
by Janara, 10
Adults need to stop shutting down teenagers ideas
by Lauryn, 15
Stable housing, resources and obstacles
by Romayl, Unknown
Kids getting caught by cops gives them a chance for a future
by Brittany, 15
My Dream Library
by Clair, 11
My Neighborhood
by David, 10
Homestead is one big family
by Tuduc, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18