
Only Girl

Tags: Education, STEM

By Alexa, 15
Recorded at CMU on February 09, 2016
No description provided.


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Suggested Stories:

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    Teachers Are A Resource
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    by Kelcie, 16

  • Play3
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  • Heaven_11_what%20a%20perfect%20classroom%20is%20to%20me_education_teacher%20relationships
    What A Perfect Classroom Is To Me
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  • Play3
    How I Learn
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  • Play3
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    Make STEM classes interactive and include girls
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  • Evan%20_13_my%20classroom%20_education
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  • Play3
    I love science and I worry it will go away
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    School and Police
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  • Play3
    Stem In My School
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  • Play3
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  • Madelynn_6_what%20i%20like%20about%20kindergarten_education
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  • Play3
    by Carlyn, 9

  • Play3
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    by Aiden, 6

  • Play3
    We need more councilors
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  • Play3
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  • Kyra_8_astronaut_education
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  • Play3
    Censored Artwork
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