How I Grew
By Tom, 18
Recorded at Shaler Area High School on May 18, 2011
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
by Aiden, 6
Make STEM classes interactive and include girls
by Liz, 13
Respect is something that many people have in this world, but not enough. Respect in my mind is w...
by Kenneth, 17
What I Like About Kindergarten
by Thomas, 6
After graduation
by Shalyn, 17
We need to change the funding formula
by Van, 18
Student Voice will Affect School Culture
by Senque, 15
Why I Participated In Hear Me
by Matthew, 13
Student Motivation and Behavior
by Isac, 17
good vs effective teachers
by Marc, 18
Weapons in School
by Jasmine, 16
Learning English
by Shamikcha, Unknown
The Start Of Soccer
by Carlyn, 8
Class Creature
by Harney Pre-K, 6
Music and art give students an outlet
by Lillian, 19
The Teacher Strike Affected Me
by Tiger, 16
Responsibility means that someone can trust you with something. You are mature about things. You ...
by Samantha, 15
How to Combat Human Trafficking
by Matt, 17
STEM In My School
by Anuskha, 11
We Need Better Tech
by Emily, 15
No Guns for Security Officers
by Skylar, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18