The Day I Moved
(Click the image above to see a larger version)
By Paige , 6
Recorded at Twin Lakes Park on July 02, 2011
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Bad Things Happen
by Nasir, 8
Times I Miss
by Sherdina, 12
The Impact I Want To Have
by Olivia, 16
What it means to be successful
by Lauryn, 15
Me And My Cousin
by Saivon, 8
Carnivals in McKeesport Story
by Raven, 9
My Future Library
by Ben , Unknown
Why I Really Don't Like Police Officers
by Andre, 20
Police use Power Against People
by Mimi, 17
Learning about Racism and oppression
by Rori, 18
New Years Hope
by Janay, 14
My Definition of Institutionalized Racism
by Joan, 17
Think Teens Always Cause Trouble
by Montez, 16
The difference between a job and career
by Joshlynn, 16
Need more volunteer opportunities
by Kidareo, 16
Pittsburgh Needs a Basketball Court
by MGR Summer Dreamers, Unknown
Police Keep the Peace
by Anthony, 14
Language changes depending who I'm talking to
by Chandra, Unknown
Respect is something that many people have in this world, but not enough. Respect in my mind is w...
by Kenneth, 17
What I like and Would Change About Millvale
by Deven, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18