Importance of Parks
By Onasile, 15
Recorded at Schenley Park on March 22, 2012
Description: Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy High School Urban
EcoStewards Program
Suggested Stories:
I learn inside better but outside I can observe
by Norman, 10
I'd Rather Learn Inside
by Giontae, 9
Water conservation
by Hannah, 17
Learning Outside Made Me A Better Person
by Jahi, 16
Protecting The Environment
by Mikayla, 9
Tank And Blue
by Isabella, 9
I Feel Nicer Outside
by Ava, 7
Outside you can experience more and you're not trapped
by Larkin, 10
Being outside makes learning fun
by Miranda, 11
Protecting The Environment
by Kyra, 10
Arbor Day At Hazelwood Library
by Hannah, 8
We Need More Outdoor Learning
by Stephen, 14
Favorite Park Memory
by Tobias, 15
If I Could Change One Thing about the Parks
by Danelle, 17
The Environment
by Yuri, 10
Helping The Environment
by Diajha, 8
Helping The Environment
by Luke, 8
Helping The Environment
by Josh, 9
Learning Outside Looks Like Participating In The World
by Alexx, 16
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18