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SF Jobs - Mills
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By Second Grade Students , 8
Recorded at South Fayette Elementary School on May 10, 2012
Description: As part of the South Fayette: Then and Now Project,
second grade students from South Fayette Elementary
School share facts about jobs and mills in the past and
present, and their hopes for the future of their
Suggested Stories:
What We Do At YUIR
by Carlin, 20
Interactions With Police
by Lorainne, Unknown
I'm from Nepal
by Khina, 15
Relationship Between Employer And Employee
by Dereka, 18
Who Should be Police Chief
by Daijah, 11
Good things about Brookline
by Diego, 11
Police steretype but don't understand how we grow up
by Jamont'e, 18
I Called The Police
by Janara, 10
Pittsburgh Is A Nice Place To Live
by Victor, 10
The best thing about Brookline is my friends and family
by Samantha, 12
Me and the Clairton Bears
by Aniyah, 7
Police are like kids' bodyguards
by Kerae, 12
The New Chief of Police Should be Honorable
by Dereka, 17
I'm proud to be myself
by Masha, Unknown
I Want A Job Selling
by Markus, 13
Kids getting caught by cops gives them a chance for a future
by Brittany, 15
Stem At My School And Stem In Careers
by Kelsey, 13
Dream Library
by Julia, 9
Hear Me
by Paul 8, Unknown
Why you need to know English
by Chandra, Unknown
Fights in Mt. Oliver
by Kayle, 14
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18