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SF Jobs - Mills
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By Second Grade Students , 8
Recorded at South Fayette Elementary School on May 10, 2012
Description: As part of the South Fayette: Then and Now Project,
second grade students from South Fayette Elementary
School share facts about jobs and mills in the past and
present, and their hopes for the future of their
Suggested Stories:
Skill Development More Important Than A Job Now
by Isaih, 16
Police Do a Good Job; Have their priorities straight
by Kolten, 18
What it means to be successful
by Lauryn, 15
Going To Dc To Fight For Minimum Wage
by Norma, 16
Workday vs. non-workday harassment
by Masha, Unknown
Change in Clairton
by Liyah, 15
Kids getting caught by cops gives them a chance for a future
by Brittany, 15
Coming from Homewood
by Michelle, 18
Kids Are Disrespectful To Police
by Davine, 13
What I do and employment
by Calvin, 20
Don't Be Scary
by Janara, 10
Shooting in Arlington
by Ty'yania, 16
I live in a good neighborhood
by Charlie, 12
Not the teacher's responsibility to buy supplies and fund activities
by Van, 18
Mckeesport: Role Models
by Darnell , 18
Superintendent To Listen To Students
by Olivia, 16
Have A Job, No - Want A Job, Yes
by Tyjair, 15
Stop Driving Fast
by Santana, 11
You can be whatever you want to be
by Emmanazia, 12
I don't feel safe
by Janara, 10
Why Police are Great
by Kyra, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18