I don't really know about police procedures
By Daiona, 15 in Brookline
Recorded at Youthworks on April 02, 2014
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Allentown is Quiet
by Antonio, 12
Dating Violence ,Anger And The Area
by Ashley, 18
What Would A Youth Work Program Looks Like
by Maurice, 18
Amachi Ambassadors
by Ambassadors, 16
My experience as a refugee
by Dipesh, 16
Think Teens Always Cause Trouble
by Montez, 16
Dormont Park
by Nelson, 13
If You Gave Them An Opportunity To Put Their Guns Down
by Lorainne, Unknown
Hear Me
by Paul 8, Unknown
Favorite Neighborhood Place
by Shaq, 17
Understanding the USA
by Fatuma, 17
School To Prison Pipeline And Institutionalized Racism
by Khan, 18
Advice for the New Chief of Police
by Mariah, 11
My Story from the Storm
by Usha, 5
This program
by Isaiah, 16
My Grandma Friday
by Shaun, 15
Betting shops cause problems
by Mirko, 16
Change in Clairton
by Tyrone , 18
Looking for a job
by Joshlynn, 16
My History
by Saraji, Unknown
About police officers and what their jobs are
by Sara, 13
Don't Be Scary
by Janara, 10
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18