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Learning outside in the garden and playing inside
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By Lucy , 4 in Daycare
Recorded at Schenley Park on April 25, 2015
Description: Lucy goes to daycare where she learns by working in her
schools garden. Mostly they play inside she says.
Suggested Stories:
Outdoor Fieldtrips
by Corinne, 10
The Environment
by Asia, 11
Teachers should allow students to explore
by Marita, 16
Learn By Observing
by Cate, 10
Learning outside vs. Inside
by Rowan, 10
I Prefer To Learn In A Classroom, But Outside Can Be Good As Well
by Vanque, 18
Learning inside vs. learning outside
by Zack, 10
I prefer to learn outside
by Sabrina, 10
The Environment
by Jazmine, Unknown
Indoor vs. Outdoor learning
by Zoe, 9
The Environment
by Yuri, 10
Playing Outside
by Jakobi, 10
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by Carson, 9
Do Not Litter
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Build On Education By Going Outside
by Hayley, 16
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by Kristopher, 14
You Actually Do Stuff Outside
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Learning Somewhere Fun
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The Environment
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Stewardship Means to Me
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Censored Artwork
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