Suggested Stories:
I Take Care Of Myself
by Adam, 11
What I Love
by Christopher, 12
Darnell's Classroom
by Darnell, 10
Bike and Walk
by Callie, 11
Eating Healthy Vegetables
by Ashley, 6
Good Teachers vs. Bad Teacher
by Peter , 12
A Day In The Life Of A Teen
by Yassmine, 17
Benefits of free food at school
by Deonna, 10
Why I Stopped Bullying
by Marina, 14
Me And My Friend
by Autumn, 8
New Years Hopes
by Aurora, 10
How do Facebook, Twitter, and social media affect your friendships outside of the internet?
Social Media
by Melvin, Unknown
Untitled (Naya)
by Naya, Unknown
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18
Report Comment
Angelique's story moved me! She's a brave young woman!