To Nina E
(Click the image above to see a larger version)
By Maria, Unknown
Recorded at Bentworth Elementary on April 20, 2011
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Why you need to know English
by Chandra, Unknown
The difference between a job and career
by Joshlynn, 16
What I would change about Brookline in Spanish
by Miriam, 16
Some People Get Shot And Stabbed
by Bryan, 7
Amachi Ambassadors
by Ambassadors, 16
Teachers Teach Us About Job Skills And Working In Teams
by Jazmine, 12
Jordan Miles
by Jamal, 19
Being successful means supporting your family
by Ty'wann, 12
Transportation Is Hard For Teens
by Jaimere, 15
Obstacles to achieving my goals
by Masha, Unknown
Chief Should be Courageous
by Keyshawn, 11
Change in my Community
by Tyrone , 18
Stem At My School And Stem In Careers
by Kelsey, 13
Advice to Police
by Ashanti, 11
Career resources at school
by Joshlynn, 16
Pittsburgh Police Keep It Pushing
by Brian, 17
Unitopia: My Library
by Chloe , Unknown
What people care about in Braddock
by Breanna, Unknown
If You Gave Them An Opportunity To Put Their Guns Down
by Lorainne, Unknown
Officers Have Been Comforting
by Brittany, 18
My Neighborhood
by Jacie, 15
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18