What I like about the Village
(Click the image above to see a larger version)
By Lauren, 2
Recorded at Renzie Park on August 13, 2012
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Brookline Is Nice
by Luis, 11
What We Do At YUIR
by Carlin, 20
How to make Knoxville better
by Chris, 13
Institutionalized Racism
by Michael, 15
Gender and STEM Learning
by Mia, 13
My Future Library
by Ben , Unknown
Our voices matter
by Harun, 17
The best thing about Brookline is my friends and family
by Samantha, 12
There Are Safe And Fun Places In Brookline
by Shyanne, 13
My Neighborhood
by Memory, 17
Coming Out
by Crystal, 16
McKeesport's Schools Story
by Tat'Talaysha, 11
Target Juveniles (Kiosk Edit)
by Jamal , 19
Juggle School and Work
by Maurice, 18
The Good And Bad Of Brookline
by Abby, 10
Knoxville needs more buildings
by Thomas, 12
We need another basketball court
by Janara, 10
My Experience At The YUIR Workshop
by Aleksei, 17
Change in Clairton
by Jordon, 15
Teamwork, to me, is a group of people working toward a common goal. If one person doesn't succeed...
by Emma, 14
My Neighborhood Vs Brookline
by Jayson, 15
I Walk Everywhere
by Jayson, 15
by Jao'vveon, 11
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18