Breakfast at School
By Zoe, 10
Recorded at To reach kids on June 28, 2013
Description: No description provided.
Suggested Stories:
Getting Mad And Calming Down
by Tavius, 9
My School Lunches
by Zoe, 10
Obstacles and what I am proud of
by James, Unknown
Why I eat Breakfast
by Claire, 12
Summer Vacation
by Clifford, 10
Eating Healthy Vegetables
by Ashley, 6
Why Play Sports
by Briendin, Unknown
Cooking today and being a military kid
by Garrett, 12
Cooking with Rania today at OMK
by Lillith, 10
What I eat for Breakfast
by Nason, 12
Adults should take kids to more places
by Veronica, 13
We Deserve To Be Loved Unconditionally
by student, 15
School Breakfast
by Reginaldo, 16
I'm proud to be myself
by Masha, Unknown
Bullying A Poem
by Leah, 9
My Favorite Things
by Naomi, 11
My Role Model
by Lexis, 9
Censored Artwork
by Karen, 18